Hi Everyone! The Panther rosters have been set and we are excited to welcome back our returning veterans and new members to Freshman Blue! We are looking forward to an amazing season of fun, learning, and growth.

Our first order of business is to complete and verify all the players' jersey numbers. Please visit our team page on the Panthers website at https://www.southlyonpanthers.org/roster/show/4767628?subseason=586779 and click on "Roster". Here you will see all players on the team and on the left hand side you will see the number assigned to each player. Any requested numbers that were duplicates have been assigned based on veteran status then grade level. So, if you had chosen a number at sign up but now see that your child does not have a number assigned, that is because it was either a duplicate number or a number that has been retired by the Panthers organization. Retired numbers are: 00, 0, 1, 11, 33, and 80. If your child has a number assigned, please verify that this is the correct number. If your child does not have a number assigned, please choose a number that is not already assigned or retired and let me know. We need to have this information turned in by May 25th so jerseys can be ordered.

Thanks for your help in this and keep in eye out in the next month or so for information on our first team get together to start getting to know each other. I really look forward to it!

- Jake Chamberlain